
Original Articles

  1. Yuuri Yasuoka, “Tissue-specific expression of carbohydrate sulfotransferases drives keratan sulfate biosynthesis in the notochord and otic vesicles of Xenopus embryos.” Front. Cell Dev. Biol. (2023) 11:957805.
  2. Camden Jansen, Kitt D. Paraiso, Jeff J. Zhou, Ira L. Blitz, Margaret B. Fish, Rebekah M. Charney, Jin Sun Cho, Yuuri Yasuoka, Norihiro Sudou, Ann Rose Bright, Marcin Wlizla, Gert Jan C. Veenstra, Masanori Taira, Aaron M. Zorn, Ali Mortazavi, and Ken W.Y. Cho “Uncovering the mesendoderm gene regulatory network through multi-omic data integration” Cell Reports (2022) 38: 110364
  3. Yuuri Yasuoka†, Masahito Matsumoto, Ken Yagi, and Yasushi Okazaki (†, corresponding author) “Evolutionary History of GLIS Genes Illuminates their Roles in Cell Reprogramming and Ciliogenesis” Molecular Biology and Evolution (2020) 37: 100-109.
  4. Yuuri Yasuoka†, Yukiko Tando, Kaoru Kubokawa, and Masanori Taira (†, corresponding author) “Evolution of cis-regulatory modules for the head organizer gene goosecoid in chordates: comparisons between Branchiostoma and XenopusZoological Letters (2019) 5: 27.
  5. Yuuri Yasuoka and Masanori Taira “Microinjection of DNA constructs into Xenopus embryos for gene mis-expression and cis-regulatory module analysis” Cold Spring Harbor Protocols (2019)
  6. Mariko Kondo, Megumi Matsuo, Kento Igarashi, Yoshikazu Haramoto, Takayoshi Yamamoto, Yuuri Yasuoka, Masanori Taira “de novo transcription of multiple Hox cluster genes takes place simultaneously in early Xenopus tropicalis embryos” Biology Open (2019) bio. 038422.
  7. Yumeko Satou, Kohei Minami, Erina Hosono, Hajime Okada, Yuuri Yasuoka, Takashi Shibano, Toshiaki Tanaka, Masanori Taira “Phosphorylation states change Otx2 activity for cell proliferation and patterning in the Xenopus embryo” Development (2018) 145: dev159640.
  8. Tatsuo Michiue*, Takayoshi Yamamoto*, Yuuri Yasuoka*, Toshiyasu Goto, Takafumi Ikeda, Kei Nagura, Takuya Nakayama, Masanori Taira, and Tsutomu Kinoshita (*, co-first authors) “High variability of expression profiles of homeologous genes for Wnt, Hh, Notch, and Hippo signaling pathways in Xenopus laevisDevelopmental Biology (2017) 426:270-290.
  9. Minoru Watanabe*, Yuuri Yasuoka*, Shuuji Mawaribuchi, Aya Kuretani, Michihiko Ito, Mariko Kondo, Haruki Ochi, Hajime Ogino, Akimasa Fukui, Masanori Taira, and Tsutomu Kinoshita (*, co-first authors) “Conservatism and variability of gene expression profiles among homeologous transcription factors in Xenopus laevisDevelopmental Biology (2017) 426:301-324.
  10. Jun Inoue, Yuuri Yasuoka, Hiroki Takahashi, and Noriyuki Satoh “The chordate ancestor possessed a single copy of the Brachyury gene for notochord acquisition.” Zoological Letters (2017) 3:4.
  11. Rebekah M. Charney, Elmira Forouzmand, Jin Sun Cho, Jessica Cheung, Kitt D. Paraiso, Yuuri Yasuoka, Shuji Takahashi, Masanori Taira, Ira L. Blitz, Xiaohui Xie, and Ken W.Y. Cho. “Foxh1 Occupies cis-Regulatory Modules Prior to Dynamic Transcription Factor Interactions Controlling the Mesendoderm Gene Program.Developmental Cell (2017) 40:595-607.
  12. Yuuri Yasuoka†, Chuya Shinzato, and Noriyuki Satoh (†, corresponding author) “The mesoderm-forming gene, brachyury, regulates ectoderm-endoderm demarcation in a diploblast, the coral, Acropora digitiferaCurrent Biology (2016) 26: 2885-2892.
  13. Adam M. Session, Yoshinobu Uno, Taejoon Kwon, ….., Yuuri Yasuoka (55th of 74 authors), ….., Richard M. Harland, Masanori Taira, Daniel S. Rokhsar “Genome evolution in the allotetraploid frog Xenopus laevisNature (2016) 538:336–343.
  14. Yuuri Yasuoka, Yutaka Suzuki, Shuji Takahashi, Haruka Someya, Norihiro Sudou, Yoshikazu Haramoto, Ken W. Cho, Makoto Asashima, Sumio Sugano and Masanori Taira “Occupancy of tissue-specific cis-regulatory modules by Otx2 and TLE/Groucho for embryonic head specification.” Nature Communications (2014) 5: 4322.
  15. Yuuta Moriyama, Toru Kawanishi, Ryohei Nakamura, …..,Yuuri Yasuoka (10th of 21 authors), ….., Hisashi Hashimoto, Atsuko Shimada and Hiroyuki Takeda “The medaka zic1/zic4 mutant provides molecular insight into teleost caudal fin evolution.” Current Biology (2012) 22: 601–607.
  16. Yuuri Yasuoka, Masaaki Kobayashi, Daisuke Kurokawa, Koji Akasaka, Hidetoshi Saiga, and Masanori Taira “Evolutionary origins of blastoporal expression and organizer activity of the vertebrate gastrula organizer gene lhx1 and its ancient metazoan paralog lhx3Development (2009) 136: 2005-2014.

Review Articles

  1. Yuuri Yasuoka and Masanori Taira “LIM homeodomain proteins and associated partners: Then and now” Current Topics in Developmental Biology (2021) 145:113-166.
  2. Yuuri Yasuoka “Morphogenetic Mechanisms Forming the Notochord Rod: the Turgor Pressure-Sheath Strength Model” Development, Growth & Differentiation, (2020) 62:379-390.
  3. Yuuri Yasuoka “Enhancer Evolution in Chordates: Lessons from Functional Analyses of Cephalochordate Cis-Regulatory Modules” Development, Growth & Differentiation (2020) 62:279-300.
  4. Yuuri Yasuoka and Masanori Taira “The molecular basis of the gastrula organizer in amphibians and cnidarians.” in Reproductive and Developmental Strategies (Ed. by Kazuya Kobayashi, Takeshi Kitano, Yasuhiro Iwao, and Mariko Kondo), Animal Diversity and Generality series, Springer Japan (2018) pp 667-708.


  1. 安岡有理 「原腸形成、胚葉形成、脊索の発生に関係する遺伝子」ヒトゲノム事典(2021年11月発売)、第16章、発生に関係する遺伝子16.1、一色出版、ISBN:978-4-910389-12-7


  1. 理化学研究所プレスリリース(2023年3月14日) “椎間板と内耳を作る組織に特有の細胞外物質-高硫酸化ケラタン硫酸の生合成を担う遺伝子の機能を解明-”(
  2. 日本進化学会ニュースvol.21 No.1(2020年3月27日)研究奨励賞受賞記 “進化学を志して25年”(
  3. 理化学研究所プレスリリース(2019年9月13日)“初期化因子の驚きの進化を解明-リプログラミング研究に新たな視点を与える-”(
  4. “A Day in the Life of a Coral Lab” the Node (2016年11月8日) (
  5. 共同プレスリリース(2016年10月20日)“アフリカツメガエルの複雑なゲノムを解読:脊椎動物への進化の原動力「全ゲノム重複」の謎に迫る”(。OISTのウェブサイトでは応募者の貢献が紹介されている。“DNAが2倍になったカエル”(。
  6. OISTプレスリリース(2016年9月30日)“サンゴが教えてくれた、私たちの骨や筋肉を作る細胞の起源”(。沖縄タイムス(2016年9月30日付)の一面に掲載される。
  7. バイオリソースニュースレター Vol.11 No.2 (2015年2月)“カエルの卵を使って動物が頭部を作るしくみを解き明かす”(
  8. 東京大学プレスリリース(2014年7月9日)“ヒトからハエまで共通した頭部形成の分子メカニズムを解明~カエル胚の形成体の研究からわかったこと~”(。OISTのウェブサイトでも紹介されている。“進化発生学の新たなステージを拓く”(。 でサイトを作成

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